Philosophy of the Association
We are committed to the provision of discharge planning of the highest possible standard to ensure continuity of quality care between the hospital and the community.
Aims of the Association
- To provide a consultancy service to educate, administer and research Discharge Planning processes within the framework of Primary Health Care.
- To reduce patient hospitalisation by means of early identification and appropriate intervention for ongoing nursing and other client needs.
- To promote Continuity of Care, based on individual needs, between health care settings and the community.
- To improve service through evaluation research and professionalism and by contributing to the body of nursing knowledge pertaining to Discharge Planning.
Benefits of membership
Our Association is for the sharing of resources, information and support in areas to do with discharge planning, community liaison, patient flow etc. The Association caters for people working in the process of discharge planning from all areas.
- We have professional days where we get together and share things such as 'what we do best' and have guest speakers that are relevant to our area such as from PADP, ACAT, equipment hire etc. These are free to members.
- Conference, broad strategic vision, a range of current presentations and a great opportunity to network
- Our website is the public website, and we have a members page (with login) in which we share resources, communicate, access the membership database
- Philosophy, Discharge Planning manual etc available to members
- Discount on Conference price for members, such that annual fees are recouped.
- Scholarships (conditional) are available to members to attend conferences and education relevant to discharge planning
- LOTS MORE as the Association grows, we try to make it what the members want it to be
The 7 Principles of Continuing Care
The role of the Continuing Care Coordinators / Discharge Planners will vary depending on the organisational expectations, however the core principles remain constant.
1. Continuing Care/Discharge Planning to be an integrated component of every client's care, from pre-admission onwards.
2. Clients and carers to be the primary focus in the continuing care / discharge planning process.
3. All clients to have ongoing needs assessed (through established protocols), and high-risk clients identified, at or before admission.
4. Planned care may need a multi-disciplinary team approach with appropriate documentation by all.
5. Clients and carers to have full understanding, involvement and agree with each stage of planned care and expected outcomes.
6. Ensure information systems and liaison between hospital and community services are established to promote these principles.
7. Evaluation processes to be utilised to monitor service provision. This ensures planned post discharge support is appropriate, therefore recovery is enhanced and readmissions are reduced.